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Unique and Innovative products

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Musicians at your service

Learn, Progress and
Play drums!

Beginner, advanced, expert…
Let the drummer within loose !

Accessible and innovative solutions for learning drums… And progressing faster !


Start at your own rhythm !

The complete kit for rocking hard !




Senstroke You won’t be a beginner drummer for very long !

Senstroke, smart sensors to practice and play anywhere, any time. You can finally play the drums without bleeding from the ears or your wallet!


You can


Your smartphone becomes your drum teacher !

Drumming comes from the heart… And now from your pocket with WeGroove. A super addictive musical application to learn and play your favorite tracks on the tips of your fingers and drumsticks!



Play the drums anywhere, any time !

Easy to transport, easy to play, easy to connect…
The drum kit that follows your every move for a musical experience like never before.


Let’s make some noise together !

Redison makes a splash in the drumming world by offering more possibilities to both amateur and professional musicians. Not surprising that everyone is talking about it!

Why choose Redison ?

Real musical instruments

All products are light, strong and innovative. They are real musical instruments that area always tuned just right and ready to develop your skills as a musician from the very first session !

Quick progress guarantee

The key to progress is to practice….regularly. Our instruments let you practice as often as you want, without the constraints of equipment and…with less noise ! Everything you need to develop skills and progress quickly

Part of a community

It’s normal to feel alone when you start out….Not with Redison ! Join the WeGroove community and the many drummers already using our pages and applications. The more, the merrier…. we play !

Cock-a-doodle-doo !

Redison is a French bootstrap designed to help musicians. We know that your tracks will soon be topping the charts and we’re so happy to be a part of it !

The freedom to connect…

Our instruments are compatible with all major music development software, so you can share your love of drumming with the whole world ! Most digital drum sets can also be connected to our applications to practice even harder…and have even more fun !

Compatible :

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Wegroove app

The new addictive app to play drums with your smartphone and practice your favorite songs simply!