WeGroove, the app for learning the drums, has a brand new feature!
Since the release of the WeGroove app, you have the opportunity to challenge groovers from around the world in the “Challenge” mode.
This mode allows you to play drums on three levels of difficulty: Easy, Medium and Hard.
Each level lasts about a minute, and offers a progression as you increase the difficulty.
We have therefore developed a complementary learning feature: the “Full Songs” mode.
A world premiere on mobile
This exclusive and unique mode allows you to enjoy an interactive and personalized way to learn the drums.
A world premiere on mobile.

You can now play complete songs from the wide repertoire of WeGroove: Rock, Pop, Metal, Disco, Rap… there is something for everyone!
The app for learning the drums with brand new features
This new mode is full of new features.
Adjusts the volume of the individual tracks
For each song, you can adjust the volume of the instrumental tracks and the drums. This allows you to play with the drumless tracks, or to listen to the drums only so you can grasp all the subtleties.

Activate the metronome and adjust the track’s speed
The most important tool of the drummer appears: the metronome. Activate it and adjust its volume to your taste in order to play like a pro.
It is also possible to slow down or speed up the song to learn the song at a slower tempo. You can then gradually return to the original speed as you progress!

Customize your drumkit
Activate or desactivate certain elements of your drum kit with a single touch.
This allows you to practice only the snare and bass drums, before adding the cymbals for example.

Work on specific parts of the song
And last but not least, the loop mode.
Select a part of the song you want to work on and play it in a loop.
You can of course slow down the extract, change the volume of the tracks, activate the metronome… In short, mix all the features that make WeGroove a real app for learning the drums!

So, what do you think of this update?
Do you like the new features?
Tell us what you think on our social networks. We’ll be happy to talk with you.
And, if you haven’t already done so, go and download WeGroove on Android and iOS!
See you later this week on the Redison blog for the weekly WeGroove release.
Until then, don’t forget, keep on drumming!